Pre-Hospital Care Podcast Episode 02: Club Drugs & Non-Legal Highs (Part 2)

Pre-Hospital Care Podcast Episode 02: Club Drugs & Non-Legal Highs (Part 2)

We’re back with our guest Martin Mist (@LondonMisty on Twitter) to talk more about the unique challenges that present themselves to paramedics when dealing with patients who have ingested illegal substances.

  • Where do we stand on physical restraint? When is it necessary and when should you give them space?
  • Why paramedics must hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
  • Why part of a paramedic’s job is to be a detective.
  • How to do research on new treatments without being misled.
  • What the top 5 hardest hitting drugs are and key insights on how to deal with each. 

You can listen above or download the episode on any major podcast platform.

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